About / Chris Williamson

Chris Williamson

Dr. Chris Williamson, also affectionately known as “Pastor Chris,” is the founder and Senior Pastor of Strong Tower Bible Church, a multiracial fellowship in Nashville, Tennessee. Since 1995, Pastor Chris has led Strong Tower Bible Church (STBC) in a mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ and a vision of “experiencing, explaining, and expanding God’s Diverse Kingdom in the city and throughout the world.” As a consultant, he helps mainstream and religious institutions work through issues of race, diversity, and cultural sensitivity. Whether through books, blogs, sermons, or workshops, his brainchild called “Social Exegesis” has helped many people develop the necessary critical thinking skills to wisely interpret the complex social ills of our day.

Resources By

Chris Williamson

How the Black Panther has inspired me since I was 9 years old

In 1977, I was a fourth grader at Edgewood Elementary School in Baltimore, Maryland....

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How to give social exegesis a try

These days, there seems to be an unending drama between some white police officers...

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