About / Cory D. Higdon

Cory D. Higdon

Cory D. Higdon (Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is an adjunct professor of history and humanities at Boyce College. He serves as the director of research in the Office of the President at Southern Seminary and as the managing director of the Carl F.H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement. His research focuses on the history of religious liberty in colonial America and has been featured in the Journal of Church and State, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Public Discourse, Providence Magazine, and American Reformer. He and his family reside in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Cory D. Higdon

The rise of religious liberty

A Review of Valeri’s, “The Opening of the Protestant Mind”

American Christians can often take for granted the rights of conscience secured for us...

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“The Glory of the Baptist Heritage”

Religious Liberty and the Work of the ERLC

Where you find Baptists, you find a people devoted to the cause of religious...

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How Baptists have been committed to religious liberty and the common good

Seeking to be a faithful witness in the public square

Throughout its history, the Baptist commitment to religious liberty coalesced with an abiding and...

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Statue of Roger Williams

Why Roger Williams contended for our first freedom

Religious liberty and our evangelistic emergency

Though Baptists love to claim him, Roger Williams was a Baptist for about 12...

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