About / David Closson

David Closson

David Closson, M.Div., serves as the Director of Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview at Family Research Council where he researches and writes on issues related to religious liberty, human sexuality, and the development of policy from a biblical worldview. Currently, David is completing a Ph.D. in Christian Ethics (with a focus in public policy) at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Resources By

David Closson

Why Christians must care about the international persecuted church

Around the world, Christians increasingly face harassment, arbitrary imprisonment, and even death because of...

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What human dignity has to do with criminal justice reform

On April 10, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin signed into law comprehensive criminal justice reform,...

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What does it mean to be made in God’s image?

The Christian faith and worldview is predicated on a set of nonnegotiable truths. One...

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4 reasons Christians should care about politics

During the course of a presidential campaign, it is common to hear evangelicals, especially...

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Emulating ‘The Colson Way’ in Our Day

American culture is quickly evolving. Christian witness is now met with increasing resistance. The...

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