About / Drew Griffin

Drew Griffin

Drew Griffin serves as Pastor at Cross Church in New York City. Drew’s family began its American journey 100 years ago on Manhattan’s Lower East Side.  As with many immigrants they endured poverty, a depression, two world wars, and several transitions in and out of the city.  In 2013 the Griffins moved back to NYC and began to call the city their home.

Drew’s background is rooted in a love for the city and its people, and a desire to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform the lives of those in need.  Seeing those who are lonely and in need find their purpose and identity in Christ remains the goal of CCNYC and its pastor.

Through a long process of calling and confirmation God placed the Upper East Side neighborhood of Yorkville on the couple’s heart. Drew, Emily and their daughter reside in Yorkville, in Manhattan.

Resources By

Drew Griffin

What the coronavirus reveals about the deeper disease of China’s government

The world is once again gripped in apprehension and fear as a new and...

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Why evangelicals must speak up about anti-Semitism

3 things to understand about the Jewish people

Recently, there have been a string of violent attacks against the Jewish community in...

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human dignity

A Reversal in NYC: DeBlasio’s Unrighteous Reversal against Churches

Christianity is a faith of promise.  Christians possess the promise of hope, the promise...

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