About / Jeanette Hagen Pifer

Jeanette Hagen Pifer

JEANETTE HAGEN PIFER (B.A., Biola University, M.A. Talbot School of Theology, Ph.D., University of Durham) is Professor of New Testament at Biola University, where she has taught since 2016. Her focus in research and teaching is on the New Testament, especially the Pauline literature. She has served in a variety of ministry capacities including evangelistic and humanitarian work with orphans in the former Soviet Union, and helping to facilitate theological and ministry training around the world. Jeanette has been married to Nick since 2017. Together they enjoy long walks on the beach, summer road trips, and drumming up spontaneous adventure whenever they can.

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Jeanette Hagen Pifer

How we answer abortion advocates matters

A call for compassionate pro-life engagement

Haunted.  This is the word many women use to describe their day-to-day experience after...

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