About / Nathan Carter

Nathan Carter

Nathan Carter grew up in rural Indiana, but since 2004 he has been a pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in the city of Chicago. He went to Wheaton College for undergrad and also received a Master’s degree from there in Biblical Exegesis. He is currently studying towards another MA in Urban Ministry from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. In 2010 he helped to start GOSPEL for Chicago, a church-based collaborative effort to train more pastors for a movement of church planting in Chicago. Nathan and Andrea have been married for over 15 years and together they have 5 daughters (plus a dog, a cat, and two fish). Nathan's deep passion is to see the God of the gospel glorified through his Word being learned, loved, and lived in the city.

Resources By

Nathan Carter

The church in the center

Learning from Tim Keller’s emphasis on the strategic value of ministry in the city

It was 2005. I was a farm boy who found himself pastoring a church in the center of a...

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How you can pray for churches in Illinois

Abortion, autonomy, and the power of the gospel

Pray for the work of the Church in Illinois. The state of the Church...

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How does ministry involve politics?

Learning to steward power and interests

"Ugh," was the grimacing response of someone in my church when I told her...

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Why staying in your church longterm is good for you

In my experience, it usually takes about three to four years to really start...

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