About / RaShan Frost

RaShan Frost

Director of Research and Senior Fellow

RaShan Frost

RaShan Frost serves as the ERLC director of research and senior fellow focused on issues of human dignity. He is the teaching pastor of Centerpoint Church in North Charleston, South Carolina, and is also an adjunct professor of Christian Studies at Charleston Southern University. 

Frost earned his doctor of philosophy in theology with a concentration in public theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He is active in denominational leadership, serving with the Charleston Baptist Association of the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Frost and his wife have two sons.

RaShan Frost

Resources By

RaShan Frost

how does mental health relate to human dignity

How does mental health relate to human dignity?

While the question of how mental health relates to human dignity might not be...

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Made In the Image of God: Why Human Dignity Matters

The theological doctrine of the imago Dei is grounded in the truth that every...

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What is the difference between remembering history and celebrating division?

Charleston, South Carolina, is a place of deep aesthetic beauty, a rich culture, and...

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