About / Walter Strickland

Walter Strickland

Born in Chicago and raised in Southern California, Walter’s passion is to equip people to flourish in their context from a deep commitment to God’s design. Prof. Strickland’s interests include contextual and systematic theology, African American religious history, multicultural studies, education theory, and theology of work. Along with being a diversity consultant, frequent conference speaker, and itinerant preacher, Walter contributes to Canon & Culture as an associate Research Fellow of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), Gospel Project, and the Biblical Recorder (the North Carolina Baptist state newspaper). Walter’s work has also appeared in Christianity Today, Baptist Press, World Magazine and his first book entitled Every Waking Hour: An Introduction to Work and Vocation for Christians was released in March of 2016. Walter and his lovely wife Stephanie live in Wake Forest, North Carolina and have a daughter named Hope who is waiting to meet them in glory, and a second daughter named Kendra, and a third named Kaiya.

Resources By

Walter Strickland

Gleaning and Giving: Thinking about Poverty Relief

In the midst of a busy workday, we’ve all used our lunch hour to...

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Panel: Key Issues in Racial Reconciliation

"Key Issues in Racial Reconciliation: Poverty, Fatherlessness, Criminal Justice, and Urban Ministry" from the...

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