About / Whitney K. Pipkin

Whitney K. Pipkin

Whitney K. Pipkin
Whitney K. Pipkin is a journalist and writer living with her husband and three kids in Northern Virginia, where they are members of Grace Bible Church. She serves as the written content coordinator for the ministry Women & Work and is writing a book for Moody Publishers on how losing loved ones transforms us. Find her @WhitneyKPipkin on Instagram and Twitter, and see more of her work at WhitneyKPipkin.com.
Whitney K. Pipkin

Resources By

Whitney K. Pipkin


What did women think of Jesus?

The Gospels already tell us.

My personal study of the Scriptures has been enriched by wondering, “What was that...

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What’s at stake when we brush past death

And how our theology equips us to face it instead

We are emerging from the two deadliest years in our country’s history. Let that...

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