Religious Liberty  ERLC Actions  Statement  Anti-Semitism

Evangelical Statement in Support of Israel


In the wake of the evil and indefensible atrocities now committed against the people of Israel by Hamas, we, the undersigned, unequivocally condemn the violence against the vulnerable, fully support Israel’s right and duty to defend itself against further attack, and urgently call all Christians to pray for the salvation and peace of the people of Israel and Palestine.

While our theological perspectives on Israel and the Church may vary, we are unified in calling attacks against Jewish people especially troubling as they have been often targeted by their neighbors since God called them as His people in the days of Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3).

Since the inception of the modern state of Israel in 1948, Israel has faced numerous attacks, incursions, and violations of its national sovereignty. The Jewish people have long endured genocidal attempts to eradicate them and to destroy the Jewish state. These antisemitic, deadly ideologies and terrorist actions must be opposed.

Israel stands as a rare example of democracy in a region dominated by authoritarian regimes. The tragic events of October 7th further underscore the importance of democracy in our world and stand as a sober reminder that supporting Israel’s right to exist is both urgent and needed.

In keeping with Christian Just War tradition, we also affirm the legitimacy of Israel’s right to respond against those who have initiated these attacks as Romans 13 grants governments the power to bear the sword against those who commit such evil acts against innocent life.

Furthermore, we recognize the dignity and personhood of all persons living in the Middle East and affirm God’s love for them as well as His offer of salvation through Jesus Christ to all people.

We also recognize the difficult ministry of Jewish and Palestinian believers who labor for the gospel. We pray for their protection and for God’s blessing on their gospel ministry.

Finally, we call on American policymakers to use their power to take all forms of terrorism seriously and call governments and civil authorities to confront evil work to prevent future attacks so that the innocent and vulnerable will be protected.

May God bring peace to the Middle East.

The signatures listed reflect a small portion of the over 2000 signatories who have added their names to the statement.

*Please note that the title and institution listed for each signatory is used for identification purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an official endorsement by the institution.

Brent Leatherwood
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Daniel Darling
Director of Land Center for Cultural Engagement
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Bart Barber
President, Southern Baptist Convention
Pastor, First Baptist Church, Farmersville, TX

Albert Mohler
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Richard Land
Executive Editor, The Christian Post
President Emeritus, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Russell Moore
Editor in Chief, Christianity Today
Former President, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Danny Akin
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Jason Allen
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Jamie Dew
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

David Dockery
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

O.S. Hawkins
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Jonathan Howe
Interim President
SBC Executive Committee

Ronnie Floyd
Former President
Southern Baptist Convention

Steve Gaines
Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church; Memphis, TN
Former President, Southern Baptist Convention

Jack Graham
Senior Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church; Plano, TX
Former President, Southern Baptist Convention

J.D. Greear
Pastor, The Summit Church; Raleigh-Durham, NC
Former President, Southern Baptist Convention

Ed Litton
Pastor, Redemption Church; Mobile, AL
Former President, Southern Baptist Convention

Fred Luter
Pastor, Franklin Avenue Baptist Church; New Orleans, LA
Former President, Southern Baptist Convention

James Merritt
Senior Pastor, Cross Pointe Church; Duluth, GA
Former President, Southern Baptist Convention

Bryant Wright
President, Send Relief
Former President, Southern Baptist Convention

Esther (Fleece) Allen
Senior Director of Communications
Alliance for The Peace of Jerusalem

Brian Autry
Executive Director
Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia

Marshall Blalock
Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church of Charleston; Charleston, SC

Hunter Baker
Dean of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Political Science
Union University

Darrell Bock
Executive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies Dallas Theological Seminary

Victor Chayasirisobhon
Lead Pastor, First Southern Baptist Church of Anaheim
President, California Southern Baptist Convention

Randy Covington
Executive Director
Alaska Baptist Resource Network

Barry Creamer
Criswell College

Randy C. Davis
President and Executive Director
Tennessee Baptist Mission Board

Terry Dorsett
Executive Director
Baptist Churches of New England

Barrett Duke
Executive Director
Montana Southern Baptist Convention

Leo Endel
Executive Director
Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention

Erick Erickson
The Erick Erickson Show

Tony Evans
Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship; Dallas, TX

Gene Fant
North Greenville University

Nathan A. Finn
Executive Director, Institute for Transformational Leadership
North Greenville University

Charles Fowler
President, Carson Newman University

Katie Fruge
Director, The Christian Life Commission and Center for Cultural Engagement
Baptist General Convention of Texas

Mitch Glaser
Chosen People Ministries

Todd Gray
Executive Director
Kentucky Baptist Convention

Julio Guarneri
Executive Director-Elect
Baptist General Convention of Texas

Griffin Gulledge
Madison Baptist Church; Madison, GA

Dean Inserra
City Church; Tallahassee, FL

Randall Jackson
President, Montana Southern Baptist Convention
Pastor, Choteau Baptist Church; Choteau, Montana

Kenneth Keathley
Director of L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Greg Laurie
Senior Pastor
Harvest Christian Fellowship; Riverside, CA

Rob Lee
Executive Director
Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention

Nathan Lorick
Executive Director
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention

Tim Lubinus
Executive Director
Baptist Convention of Iowa

Matt Markins
President and CEO

Gary Marx
The Concord Fund

Katie McCoy
Director of Women’s Ministries
Baptist General Convention of Texas

Fred MacDonald
Executive Director
Dakota Baptist Convention

David Manner
Executive Director
Kansas Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists

Philip Miller
Senior Pastor
The Moody Church

Miles Mullin
Vice President & Chief of Staff
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Herbie Newell
President & Executive Director
Lifeline Children’s Services

Robert Nicholson
President and Founder
The Philos Project

Samuel “Dub” Oliver
Union University

Ray Ortlund
Renewal Ministries

Shawn Parker
Executive Director
Mississippi Baptist Convention Board

Tim Patterson
Executive Director
Baptist State Convention of Michigan

Gregory Perkins
National President, National African American Fellowship, SBC
Lead Pastor, The View Church; Menifee, CA

J. Matthew Pinson 
Welch College and Divinity School

David Prince
Senior Pastor
Ashland Avenue Baptist Church; Lexington, KY

Mike Proud
Executive Director
Colorado Baptist General Convention

Joel Rainey
Lead Pastor
Covenant Church; Shepherdstown, WV

Eric Ramsey
Executive Director
West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists

Philip Robertson
Senior Pastor, Philadelphia Baptist Church; Pineville, LA
Chairman, SBC Executive Committee

Michael Rydelnik
VP and Academic Dean, Undergraduate School Professor of Jewish Studies and Bible 
Moody Bible Institute

Robert Sloan
Houston Christian University

Clay Smith
Senior Pastor
Johnson Ferry Baptist Church; Marietta, GA

Kevin Smith
Pastor, Family Church Village
Board Chair, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Robert Smith, Jr.
Charles T. Carter Baptist Chair of Divinity
Beeson Divinity School, Samford University

David Sons
Lake Murray Baptist Church; Lexington, SC

John Stonestreet
The Colson Center

Ryan Strother
Executive Director
State Convention of Baptists in Indiana

Don Sweeting
Chancellor, Colorado Christian University

Mark Tooley
The Institute for Religion and Democracy

David Trimble
Theologian and Policy Advisor
Washington, D.C.

A.B. Vines
Bishop, New Seasons Church; Spring Valley, CA
Former First Vice President, Southern Baptist Convention

Todd Unzicker
Executive Director
Baptist State Convention of North Carolina

Ray Van Neste
Dean, School of Theology & Missions, Professor of Biblical Studies
Union University

Kristen Waggoner
CEO and President
Alliance Defending Freedom

Andrew T. Walker
Director, Carl F.H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Jared Wellman
Tate Springs Baptist Church; Arlington, TX

Barry Whitworth
Executive Director
Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania-South Jersey

Tony Wolfe
Executive Director
South Carolina Baptist Convention

Malcolm B. Yarnell III
Research Professor of Theology
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

John Mark Yeats
President, Corban University

John Yeats
Executive Director
Missouri Baptist Convention

Eric Zeller
Gulf Theological Seminary

Sign the Evangelical Statement in Support of Israel

We are asking policymakers to confront evil, promote peace, and protect the vulnerable. Sign below to add your name to this call to action for our nation’s leaders. 

Signers of the Evangelical Statement in Support of Israel will also receive occasional emails from the ERLC.

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