On today’s episode we’re going to take a break from our series on gender and sexuality to talk about our public policy work to share how the ERLC advocates in Washington, D.C.
Many of our listeners have expressed a desire to better understand the ERLC’s public policy work. September is the perfect time to share about this area of our ministry assignment because it’s an important month in our nation’s Capitol and a busy time for our D.C. team, specifically. Hannah Daniel, our ERLC policy manager who works in our nation’s capital, and our president Brent Leatherwood will break down the what, how, and why of how the ERLC advocates in Washington, D.C.
We would love to hear from you. We want to know what policy issues are affecting your life as and what questions you’re facing related to issues of gender and sexuality. You can email us at [email protected].
And just a reminder, we want to make sure you are kept up to date about the important work the ERLC is doing on behalf of Southern Baptists. Signing up for email updates allows you to hear directly from us about our work and ways we are serving you on the issues that matter most to Southern Baptists. Become an email subscriber at erlc.com/updates.
The ERLC podcast is a production of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. It is produced by Jill Waggoner, Lindsay Nicolet, and Elizabeth Bristow. Technical production is provided by Owens Productions. It is edited and mixed by Mark Owens.
Thanks for listening, and we’re looking forward to being back together with you next time.