About / Brent Leatherwood

Brent Leatherwood


Brent Leatherwood was elected as president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission in 2022, after a year of leading the organization as acting president. Previously, he served as chief of staff at the ERLC, as well as the entity’s director of strategic partnerships. He brings an expertise in public policy to his work, having been the executive director of the Tennessee Republican Party, the director of communications and policy strategy in the Tennessee General Assembly, and working for several years on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Brent is a dedicated member of his church, where he has served as a deacon since 2014. Brent is married to Meredith, and together they have three children.

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Brent Leatherwood

right decision for President Biden

FIRST-PERSON: The right decision for President Biden and America

Baptist Press

This piece was originally published at Baptist Press. Today, July 21, in an astonishing...

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election year

Bringing hope to an election year (Part 2)

Are you weary as you think about politics in our country? Is it hard...

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GOP the party of life and liberty no more

Is the GOP the party of life and liberty no more?

Religion News Service

This piece was written as an op-ed published at Religion News Service. (RNS) —...

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The wisdom we need on America’s 248th Independence Day

In two years, America will celebrate 250 years of independence. Anniversaries like this are...

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Bringing hope to an election year (Part 1)

Are you weary as you think about politics in our country? Is it hard...

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Bringing hope to a fractured public square

Remarks to the 2024 Southern Baptist Convention

Fellow Baptists, this is my third address I have had the privilege of making...

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ERLC advocates for life

ERLC advocates for life in the U.S. Senate

POLICY STATEMENT: Nashville, Tenn. – Senator James Lankford, from Oklahoma, offered a tremendous example...

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A Nation in Need of Hope

True hope for our world is eternal and can only be found in one...

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Best practices for Christian political engagement

Best practices for Christian political engagement can sound like an impossible task. Political chaos...

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human dignity

Bringing Hope to an Election Year

Are you weary as you think about politics in our country? Is it hard...

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what is the public square

What is the public square?

Healthy engagement in the public square can feel like a fond memory of past...

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5 highlights of the ERLC’s work and Baptist cooperation

Southern Baptists gather each February for the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee meeting. Recently,...

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