Southern Baptists affirm the inherent dignity of every human life, including the preborn. Scripture testifies to God’s divine design and care for each individual, in and outside the womb. The Baptist Faith and Message declares that “children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the Lord,” and the Bible reveals that life begins at conception (Psalm 139:13-16; Jeremiah 1:5). We are called to advocate for policies that protect the most vulnerable and honor the sanctity of life.
The Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA) policy and Title X pro-life protections ensure that taxpayer dollars are not used to fund or promote abortion either internationally or domestically. The PLGHA policy, formerly known as the Mexico City Policy, requires foreign non-governmental organizations receiving U.S. global health assistance to refrain from performing or promoting abortion as a method of family planning. Domestically, Title X regulations historically prevented funding from being directed to organizations that provide or promote abortions, ensuring these funds are reserved for legitimate healthcare services.
In recent years, the removal of these pro-life safeguards has undermined efforts to protect the preborn and has forced taxpayers to subsidize abortion providers, both at home and abroad. Additionally, the absence of clear pro-life policies allows abortion to be mislabeled as healthcare, a practice that disregards the sanctity of life and creates moral and ethical conflicts for millions of Americans.
The ERLC strongly advocates for the reinstatement of the PLGHA policy and the restoration of pro-life protections within Title X. We urge Congress and the administration to act swiftly to reestablish these vital safeguards, ensuring that U.S. funds are used in ways that align with our nation’s commitment to life and human dignity. Moreover, these policies protect the consciences of American taxpayers who oppose abortion and reject being complicit in funding the termination of innocent lives.
Southern Baptists have consistently affirmed the sanctity of life in our resolutions and actions. At the 2021 annual meeting, messengers adopted a Resolution Opposing Taxpayer Complicity In Abortion and the Hyde Amendment, reaffirming our commitment to policies like the Hyde Amendment and other pro-life measures. The ERLC remains steadfast in advocating for policies that protect the preborn, support vulnerable women and families, and promote a culture of life.
The ERLC calls on Congress and the administration to reinstate these critical pro-life policies, ensuring that life is protected and taxpayer funds are never used to harm the most vulnerable among us.