About / Hannah Daniel

Hannah Daniel

Director of Public Policy

Hannah Daniel serves as the ERLC’s director of public policy, representing the policy interests of Southern Baptists to government through advocacy and education. Originally from Tennessee, she graduated from Union University with a Bachelor of Science in business administration with a concentration in economics. She currently lives in Washington, D.C., where she is a member and small group leader at her local church.

Resources By

Hannah Daniel

after Dobbs

Abortion and the pro-life movement two years after Dobbs

Two years after Dobbs, the abortion landscape in the United States has changed dramatically....

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God's Good Design

Championing God’s Good Design

Marriage and Family Policy, Part 3 of 5

A Series on Pursuing Good: Discerning Well-Crafted Policy An election year can quickly become about...

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local and state politics

Why do local and state politics matter? (Part 2)

Today on The ERLC Podcast, we’re continuing with part 2 of the conversation about...

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Explainer: Congress passes FY24 government funding legislation

Nearly six months after the beginning of fiscal year 2024, the U.S. Congress has...

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ERLC Opposes VA’s Expansion of IVF Coverage

Using taxpayer resources to fund actions that undermine this biblical understanding of marriage transgresses...

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congressional appropriations

Explainer: What are congressional appropriations?

Congressional appropriations are the mechanism by which we fund our government. You might have...

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2024 state policy agenda

The 2024 State Policy Agenda

The 2024 State Policy Agenda is not an exhaustive list of every policy priority,...

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Bipartisan Border Proposal

Explainer: Bipartisan Border Proposal Surfaces in U.S. Senate

A long-awaited bipartisan border proposal has arrived for consideration in the U.S. Senate this...

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What’s in the 2024 Public Policy Agenda?

Public policy advocacy is one of the primary ways that the ERLC fulfills its...

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ERLC's public policy agenda

What is the ERLC’s Public Policy Agenda?

Welcome to the ERLC Podcast where our goal is to help you think biblically...

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Explainer: Supreme Court will hear case restricting chemical abortion drugs

On Dec. 13, the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari in the FDA v. Alliance...

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Explainer: What the ERLC is advocating for in government appropriations

With a government shutdown looming, Congress is scrambling to find agreement on how to...

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