Life  Religious Liberty  Support Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act  Support Conscience Protection Act  ERLC Actions  Policy Statement  Abortion  Health

ERLC advocates for life in the U.S. Senate

ERLC advocates for life

POLICY STATEMENT: Nashville, Tenn. – Senator James Lankford, from Oklahoma, offered a tremendous example of principled leadership in the Senate today in which he and other Senate Republicans asked for unanimous consent to pass several pro-life bills including the Conscience Protection Act and the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act – both of which the ERLC has endorsed. This type of vote means that there was no recorded vote, but Democrats blocked these bills from moving forward. 

Sadly, instead of supporting these proposals, Senator Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, has indicated that he will be holding votes on a pro-abortion measure in the coming days. Below are my comments regarding these votes:

“Once again, Senate Democrats are prioritizing pro-abortion policies in seeking to pass the ‘Reproductive Freedom for Women Act’ and blocking legislation that could genuinely protect life, support families, and safeguard consciences, as we witnessed with yesterday’s disappointing vote result. 

“After the Dobbs decision, states are again empowered to shape abortion policy, but that doesn’t prevent Congress from making consequential decisions in this area. Senator Lankford and others clearly understand this with the courageous leadership they’ve shown this week by bringing forth several crucial pro-life bills, including the Conscience Protection Act and the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act. Both of these much-needed bills were advocated for by the ERLC and highlighted in our 2024 Public Policy Agenda

“These efforts highlight a stark contrast between those who prioritize the dignity of the preborn and those who do the bidding of Planned Parenthood. It’s time for Congress to focus on meaningful legislation that truly safeguards life and consciences.”

ERLC advocates for life

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